Display user repositories from Github.
For now, we only support Github. You can review the documentation for their API.
We will add support for more sevices in the future.
Highly customizable open source theme for Hugo based static websites
Clonable starter repository for a Syna theme based website
Extensive repository base files up and running in an instant
Display user repositories from Github.
For now, we only support Github. You can review the documentation for their API.
We will add support for more sevices in the future.
fragment = "repositories_github"
weight = 100
background = "secondary"
user = "okkur"
count = 4 # default is 4
display_forks = false # default is false
sort = "stargazers_count" # default is "stargazers_count"
# allowlist = ["syna", "syna-start"]
type: string
The username of the user you want the repositories of.
type: number default: 4
The number of repositories that will be rendered.
type: boolean
default: false
Determines whether or not forked repositories will be shown.
type: string default: stargazers_count
This key is used to sort the repositories.
Note: This value is a key from the response of Github’s repositories API. Also the sort is done using Hugo’s sort
type: array of string
A filter that is applied to repository names. Only repositories that are named in this list will be rendered.
Global variables are documented as well and have been omitted from this page.