Embed anything from anywhere such as videos, slides, forms and more
Embed fragment can either embed a media source url such as youtube videos or set
custom iframe
html code.
Embed anything from anywhere such as videos, slides, forms and more
Embed fragment can either embed a media source url such as youtube videos or set
custom iframe
html code.
fragment = "embed"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-09-09"
weight = 110
background = "secondary"
title = "Embed Fragment"
subtitle = "Easily embed media (videos, iframes etc.)"
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
media_source = "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lXpf4kIxygU?rel=0&showinfo=0"
#media = '<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lXpf4kIxygU?rel=0&showinfo=0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
#ratio = "16by9" # 21by9, 16by9, 4by3, 1by1 - Default: 4by3
#size = "100" # 25, 50, 75, 100 (percentage) - default: 75
fragment = "embed"
#disabled = true
date = "2017-10-07"
weight = 120
background = "secondary"
#title = ""
#subtitle = ""
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
# Embed a form via an iframe
# Mailerlite is one example of a working provider.
# There are others such as convertkit.
# Only necessity is for them to use iframes.
media = '<iframe src="https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/m0h9d7" style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 178px;"></iframe>'
responsive = false # prevent responsive behaviour
#size = "100" # 25, 50, 75, 100 (percentage) - default: 75
type: string
URL to embed in the fragment. Any value would override media_source
type: string
Custom HTML code for your iframe
or embed objects.
If media
is set, this value would not be used.
type: boolean
default: true
Make the embed object or iframe responsive. It can be customized with help of the ratio
Using responsive
any size
variable would be overridden.
type: string
accepted values: 21by9, 16by9, 4by3, 1by1
default: 4by3
If responsive
is set to false
, this value would be ignored.
type: number
default: 75
Percentage value to force embed object or iframe to be a specific width of its parent.
If responsive
is set to true
then this value would be ignored.
Global variables are documented as well and have been omitted from this page.